Sunday, September 6, 2009

Holden Beach

We are at the beach this week. The kids are having tons of fun but it was not really warm today. Like shivering if you got in the water. Chloe cried as you will see, the first time I put her in the sand but she got the hang of it quickly. I am so glad we brought her little car along because she is still unsteady on the beach. They are having fun digging and getting wet. The house we rented is AWFUL so we will definitely have to go somewhere else next year. I think everything in it is at least 30 years old including the yucky mattress I slept on last night.....

I decided just to add a slide show. Too many pics to load. We had a great time. Took the kids to the aquarium one day, rode on the ferry, played on the beach and swatted all the flies :)

1 comment:

marsha said...

I see Andrew and Chloe are both stylin' in their beachwear! Dad said: "Honey, I can't believe you've got an even uglier couch than they have in their rental".