Monday, February 23, 2009

10 Months Old

Chloe is 10 months old tomorrow so I took some pictures today since we were home sick. She is getting big.17.5lbs and 27 inches long (they measured her at the dr today). She is standing up well and can pull her self up. She tries to take steps and move from thing to thing. She fell and hit her poor little head for the first time last week. She is doing good though. She is also waving which is so cute. She has been sick with ear infections so I guess we will probably be seeing the ENT soon. Poor thing is twitching when she tries to sleep. Must hurt her.

Now if only she would say MAMA instead of DADA. Maybe by next month.

1 comment:

Em V said...

Oh my God she is so cute. I can't get over the cuteness! And she's always wearing the most adorable outfits. I can't believe she is standing now...where did the time go?