Monday, December 8, 2008


Andrew always wants to tell you secrets and stories. So tonight he was like "Mommy come here"... I go over and he says come closer..... then he whispers "Mommy- the reindeer are coming". I said "What?" And he yells in my ear "I SAID THE REINDEER ARE COMING". Guess he has been reading Rudolph with Darrell. Later he had Darrell's Blackberry and I wanted him to hurry doing something so I took it away. He shakes his little finger at me and says " Mommy- we do NOT snatch things from people. Give it back RIGHT NOW. " I kinda look at him funny and he says "Mommy....1....2...3... Listen to my words and give it back right now" Needless to say, I gave it back and then asked nicely for him to hurry :)

Here he is with his new haircut.

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