Friday, October 31, 2008


Andrew had so much fun tonight. He was a fire fighter not to be confused with a fireman. He did great saying trick or treat even at our first house. We went to about 15. Chloe did good too but the mane on the lion suit did not even make it out of the house. Her little costume was cute. Mom had made it for Andrew and I thought it was going to be huge but it really wasn't. Andrew really wanted his picture taken with Gracie so we took a few of those too. He had a Halloween shirt to wear to school today. He really wanted his costume but I was afraid he would get it dirty. I shouldn't have done that. I felt bad but he didn't actually tell me till we were in the parking lot this morning. Darrell did a great job on our pumpkins too :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Fun

never ends around here. Here are the kids playing tonight. Chloe loves her jumper now and Andrew was being silly with his new seat.

and Chloe jumping

Chloe Eating

I tried to feed her some food this weekend. She totally did not get it and I made her gag on it- poor thing. I will try again but it seems to make her belly hurt so I may wait a few more weeks and will be skipping the bananas that seem to bother her. Excuse Andrew in the background making noise to be funny.

Friday, October 24, 2008

6 Months!!

Chloe turned 6 months old today. She is sitting up really well on her own and I started trying to feed her some food. She has been less than thrilled with that. She is growing to. I have to weigh her tomorrow but I think that she is just over 14lbs.

and what happens when you get tired of sitting.....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sitting up

Chloe is getting so big. She is trying really hard to sit up on her own. Here she is playing with her toy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beautiful Weekend

It was so nice here this weekend. A bit chilly at 60 but so nice that we took the kids over to the park today. Andrew and Darrell tried to take the bike ( I think Andrew is getting too big) but they had a flat. Oops... Chloe looks so cute in the little sweater Grandma got her and she loved swinging. She was laughing and laughing.

This was the best picture I took this weekend. She looks like doll.

And here are the rest

Andrew pretending to be straight out of a Gymboree ad :)

And Chloe having a blast on her swing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bath Time is Fun

Chloe was having a blast in her bath tonight. I also caught her with her thumb in her mouth. She is getting good at it. I took a little video earlier today too. She was screeching loudly at me. She likes her saucer a lot now and will spend a good 30 minutes trying to get the toys in her mouth.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It was beautiful today so I took Chloe over to a little park on the way to Target to try and get some cute 6 month pics of her. I am trying to avoid taking her somewhere to get them taken :) I LOVE the first two. Shows her little personality. Sweet thing....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Riverbend Farms

We went to the pumpkin patch today. The kids had a good time. We went with the Hall's- one's of Andrew's favorite friends from schools. They had a great time. There is a place to feed the animals and then you ride on a tractor out to the patch and then they have a ton of slides to slide on when you get back. We ended up with 2 huge pumpkins and 2 little ones. Chloe had fun too with her cute little hat on.

Chloe playing

Quick new video of Chloe playing in her saucer

Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Baby

By some miracle, I got a few minutes at home alone with Chloe today. She was being so happy. I got a few good pics. You can tell how much drool she has in some of them. Her clothes get soaked without a bib on. Too bad grandma left. She was always putting one on her for me :)

I love that my camera takes such great pictures. Here are few closeups.