Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5 Months

Holy Cow!! I can not believe little Chloe is 5 months old. She is the sweetest baby ever. She loves to bat her eyelashes at you and will smile at you everytime you even look at her. She starts daycare on Monday and I have been totally stressed about that but I think she will be ok. Her teachers are very good in that room. She is up to 13lbs 2oz :) Here she is tonight after we went out searching for gas. We didn't find any. Hope I can make it a few more days.

Here is her latest funny trick. I think she found her bottom lip because she has been sucking on it all the time.


Em V said...

Why do you have to go around searching for gas? Why the shortage? Hurricane?

I love her pumpkin hat in the previous pictures.

Anonymous said...

She always looks so happy. I LOVE her bare feet sitting in her car seat. -Heidi