Monday, September 29, 2008

Look at

the little fat rolls :) She made it through her first day at daycare (well 3 hours that I left her there). Only issue was that apparently her swaddle form was not filled out correctly so she didn't sleep at all. Maybe tomorrow she will get a nap in.

Emily- yes, we have a gas shortage. It stinks. There are long lines for gas here. It is still from the disruption from the Hurricane. We pulled into one gas station today that I thought had gas because there were cars at the pump but they were actually just waiting for the tanker to finish putting it in the tanks. There was no actual gas. Not sure how my mom is getting home this weekend. The problem is all down through Atlanta, Asheville and Knoxville. I guess the pipeline we are on for gas is still not totally up and running. Nice when you have to work everyday.
Here is Chloe this afternoon. She is getting to be a chunky little thing.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Flying Chloe

She laughs when you lift her up now. Too Funny. Here are a few pics from today. y.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5 Months

Holy Cow!! I can not believe little Chloe is 5 months old. She is the sweetest baby ever. She loves to bat her eyelashes at you and will smile at you everytime you even look at her. She starts daycare on Monday and I have been totally stressed about that but I think she will be ok. Her teachers are very good in that room. She is up to 13lbs 2oz :) Here she is tonight after we went out searching for gas. We didn't find any. Hope I can make it a few more days.

Here is her latest funny trick. I think she found her bottom lip because she has been sucking on it all the time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

She is practicing

to be a pumpkin for Halloween. I found this cute little hat at Target today.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

She loves taking a bath now.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

21 Weeks

and getting bigger (13lbs 2oz). She is trying hard to roll from her back to her front and she would like to sit up on her own but just can't seem to get the balance yet. Her hair is getting longer and more wispy too. Excuse the HUGE mosquito bite on her face. They seem to love her baby skin.

Trying so hard to roll. She cranes her head all around to hear or see something.

And the best pic of the night :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chloe's new coat

I got Chloe a new coat and she looks so cute.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Apple Picking

We went apple picking up in Taylorsville today. The orchard had a TON of apples on the trees. Andrew had fun.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

20 Weeks

Chloe turned 20 weeks old on Thurs. We weighed her and she was up to 12lbs 13oz. She feels heavy to me now when I carry her around. I took some pics of the kids today. You can tell by the irrated look on Andrew's face that he did not want his picture taken. We were supposed to go and pick apples today but were afraid that there would not be any gas because of the hurricane. Maybe we will try tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chloe's Favorite Toy

Chloe has a new favorite toy. Her Hands. She found them finally and loves to suck on them. She shoves them so far in her mouth that she gags on them and then looks at you like what happened.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

19 Weeks

Chloe is 19 weeks today. She has learned to talk ie.scrreeeeccchhh really loudly just to hear herself do it. Too funny.

and Chole being silly with her faces....