Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chloe comes home

We came home from the hospital early Sunday morning (Darrell and Chloe were napping when they decided we could leave). Chloe weighed 3lbs 10oz and was doing great. They kept us 1 extra day just to make sure she didn't have jaundice and that she wasn't losing more weight. She was eating good and we got to leave. Thank goodness. 4 days was enough for me.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Andrew meets Chloe

Andrew came to the hospital to see me for the first time Friday night- just after they brought her to my room. He was excited to see her and fascinated by her hands. So Cute. He wanted to hold her but only for a minute before he wanted the pizza that they bought :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby is HERE!!!

Chloe Elizabeth Pinter arrived at 12:20am on Thurs 4/24/08 3lbs 11oz.

I went to the dr. on the 23rd because I was not feeling right (I had worked that morning) and my blood pressure was 102/160 so they decided today was the day (36W2D) we should have a baby. I had been going to the high risk dr. twice a week because they knew she would be small but I didn't think it would be my blood pressure that would become the biggest issue. I was actually scheduled to be induced the next Tuesday but the baby had other ideas.

We got to the hospital at 6:15pm, they checked us in but didn't sctually give me any drugs till after 9:00pm. She was here less than 3 hours after that so it went pretty fast. She was perfect but did spend about 36 hours in the NICU so they could check her temp, blood sugar and make sure she was eating good. She did great and was in the room with me by Friday night. She is the cutest little thing and has a perfect little dimple in her chin. Here is the last pregnant picture right before we left for the hospital.
We named her Chloe because we liked the name and Elizabeth after my grandma (it was her middle name as well).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Baby Pinter

Me at 32 Weeks 5 Days and the baby at 29 Weeks. She is growing although they think she is going to be a little peanut. Now if she only had a name :) Darrell and I are still discussing what the best one would be. We don't want something that is too popular right now.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Andrew Turns 3

Andrew had a GREAT Birthday. He had a lot of fun opening gifts this year and blowing out his candles on his cake. His favorite gift was his new guitar. He played a bunch of songs for us. I also took cupcakes to school for him and they all sang happy birthday to him. He helped me set all the places and hand out the cupcakes. Such a good helper.

We also took him to the park to take some pictures.