Friday, July 24, 2009

15 Months Today!!!

I took some pics of Chloe tonight. She was being very serious tonight. She has a pretty bad bruise on her face from a fall at school. She is the sweetest baby. She is now waving and saying byebye (too cute with the chubby little hand) Mama, dadeedadeedadee (over and over ugghhhggg :), bubble, ball and she is following directions really well. She is understanding way more than I would have guessed but now when I ask her to do something she will do it. I can't believe how fast she is growing. You would think with her being my second that I would remember how quick it is but it seems to be flying by. She really looks more like a toddler now instead of a baby....


marsha said...

She's beautiful, even with the bruise. It's hard to believe how much she's grown, even since April. We miss you all.

Em V said...

Laura - I cannot believe how much she looks just like you when you were little - especially in that bottom picture! WOW!