Friday, July 31, 2009

Chloe and Andrew

Chloe and Andrew were playing in there bed tonight and Andrew wanted me to take their picture.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I have her talking

early :) She LOVES my phone. She wants it to play music all the time so she can dance. Silly Girl. Just have to watch when she gets to close to the water bowl with my brand new phone :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I just love how hard she concentrates on getting these little pieces together. Her cubby little hands are good at getting them together and she doesn't really get frustrated with them. She spent a good 10 minutes playing with them.

Andrew NOT wanting me to take his picture

Chloe and Andrew

They were playing so nicely till Andrew started being silly.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

15 Months Today!!!

I took some pics of Chloe tonight. She was being very serious tonight. She has a pretty bad bruise on her face from a fall at school. She is the sweetest baby. She is now waving and saying byebye (too cute with the chubby little hand) Mama, dadeedadeedadee (over and over ugghhhggg :), bubble, ball and she is following directions really well. She is understanding way more than I would have guessed but now when I ask her to do something she will do it. I can't believe how fast she is growing. You would think with her being my second that I would remember how quick it is but it seems to be flying by. She really looks more like a toddler now instead of a baby....

Monday, July 13, 2009

More Videos

Here are a few video's of the kids.

This one is so cute, especially the end. She is walking so much better than she was just 10 days ago.

Here is Andrew telling me about how police man give tickets. Oh, and being a little sassy at the end.

And the two of them playing-

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've told her and told her

not to put her little bitty finger in the light sockets but she didn't listen :)

Couple of Videos

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The smallest little piece

and it is so hard to hold get in the right spot :) She tried for so long to get the little blue piece in the spot that she wanted. She finally did get it but she dropped it a bunch of times. Sweet girl. (check out how pretty her new amber looks too.) Darrell goes "how did the beads changes colors" I said it was magic. The magic of shopping I guess......

Off the Shoulder Look

That is Chloe in her new shirt. She can't seem to keep it up on her shoulders.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

everyone!! We had a fun day although we couldn't go the pool. There was not even one place to park.
Tonight we are going to set off our illegal fireworks and hope the police don't come :) We went down to SC and got them yesterday.
I got some cute pics of Chloe today in a little dress that Alicia gave her for her bday. So Cute. I tried to take some of them together but Andrew only wanted to complain and Chloe only wanted to take her shoes off. Chloe is walking so fast now. I leave her somewhere and forget that she can move around. I left her standing by her little car today and turn around and she is in the garage. Fast little thing. She doesn't look fast when you watch her but she can really move along.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Kitchen

I got the kids a new kitchen. They seem to enjoy cooking in it.

Trying to figure out how to get down.

Playing together