Saturday, June 14, 2008

Discovery Place

We took the kids to Discovery Place today with one of Andrew's friends from school. They had a really fun time and ran around like crazy. They had a special section just for little kids and they had a lot of fun playing there too.

Andrew wanted to do the "Air Chair" so bad. It was closed when we walked by the first time but just as we were leaving it was open. You have to push the buttons to get it to go up and he did a really good job.

Andrew and Kaitlyn looking at the fish pond and Darrell showing him one.

They have a big dinosaur exhibit currently. I told Andrew to touch it before I saw the big Don't Touch sign. Opps...

Looking at the Fish. He thought he saw Nemo. It was funny. He was like " look mommy, it's nemo" :)

Building a dinosaur.

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