Sunday, June 29, 2008

Andrew swimming

It was so hot today and I can not take both kids to the pool so I pulled out this little pool (originally intended for Gracie) and he had fun splashing around. He is getting so big.


Friday, June 27, 2008

9 Weeks old

Chloe is 9 weeks old. She weighted 8lbs 3oz at her check up today. She was at 3% on the charts. Guess this is better than the less than 3% she was last month. 20 3/4 inches long too so she is definately growing. Here are a few new pictures. She is still really little in the Bumbo. Chloe also does not like it when Darrell ignores her. Makes her really mad.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Andrew's Potatoe's

Andrew always wants more. He always say "it's NOT alot" no matter how much of some food I give him. So I let him get his own potatoes last night. Darrell said to take as many as you want and then you can't have dessert till you finish. You can imagine how that went.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Our lovely renters moved out across the street. They left so much trash. Yuck.. Darrell threw away the toilets instead of cleaning them. That tells you how nice it looked inside too. Ewww...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chloe's bath

FINALLY!! Chloe does not look so malnurished. I can't wait to have a chubby little baby. She is on her way :) Little rolls are already on her legs... love that. All the milk is making her grow. Sooo much better than looking like her skin doesn't fit on her little body. She loves her bath. We were splashing yesterday and she almost smiled

and a video......


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chloe's hat

I thought it would be funny to see if her hat she got in the NICU still fit. There is a big difference. She is 8 weeks old in the second pic and 2 days old in the first one. So funny.

here is a little video from today too.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stop the pictures

Chloe was sleeping so peacefully until the last picture. I think the flash makes her mad..... as you can see by her face :) We weighed her today and she is getting so big at 8lbs 4oz.

Friday, June 20, 2008

At the pool

We took Andrew to the pool for the first time this year. The water was still really cold. He had fun but had forgotten that if he steps off the steps he doesn't know how to swim....ooppps. Darrell said Andrew told him that he was calling " Daddy help me" while we were trying to get him from drowning :) So cute. I think we need to get him swimming lessons so at least he doesn't sink to the bottom. Only a couple of more inches and he will be able to touch the bottom in the shallow end of the pool and still be able to breath. He likes jumping off the side to have Darrell catch him too.


Andrew loves to sing to us with his guitar. Good thing he was holding the guitar last night as I was taking pictures. He is learning the words to the "toy song" as he calls it and wants to sing it every night to us.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

8 Weeks old

Chloe is 8 weeks old today and doing great. I took WAY too many pictures today (like over 200 :) so here are some of the good ones. She is holding her head up really well now and starting to try and smile. Darrell also went back to work today. Joy.....That means I only have 4 weeks left, too. He was alot of help while he was home and now I am not sure what to do all day. At least Chloe is getting on a regular routine during the day. I am finally putting her to bed at night to and she only got up 2 times last night to eat.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To the Park

We have been going to the park at night after dinner. Andrew loves to take his dessert and eat at the picnic table and then swing. He always want to go higher but I am afraid that he is going to fall out. We are trying to teach him to do his legs so he can swing himself higher. Not working so well yet. Chloe got to try out the stroller tonight too but she did not even make it out of the driveway before she was fussing. Guess she likes me holding her but she is getting heavy (all 8lbs of her).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Andrew loves his snacks. All decked out with his hat, watch and badge watching TV with the monkey. He loves to dress up now with some clothes I got him for Christmas.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day. We had a great day today. Andrew gave Darrell a card that I helped him write and of course a gift that Darrell has to return...always..... He told Darrell is was a John Deere card and was opening it before Darrell even could. He was excited. Here are some pics.

Toy Song

I downloaded the Marvelous Toy song that my mom used to sing to me for Andrew. He loved it and is learning the words quickly. He was dancing all over.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Discovery Place

We took the kids to Discovery Place today with one of Andrew's friends from school. They had a really fun time and ran around like crazy. They had a special section just for little kids and they had a lot of fun playing there too.

Andrew wanted to do the "Air Chair" so bad. It was closed when we walked by the first time but just as we were leaving it was open. You have to push the buttons to get it to go up and he did a really good job.

Andrew and Kaitlyn looking at the fish pond and Darrell showing him one.

They have a big dinosaur exhibit currently. I told Andrew to touch it before I saw the big Don't Touch sign. Opps...

Looking at the Fish. He thought he saw Nemo. It was funny. He was like " look mommy, it's nemo" :)

Building a dinosaur.