Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bugs and Rain

The kids catching bugs with their new bug catchers (in the rain I might add). They thought the 1.00 Store was just the best place yesterday and that is what they picked out. And as you can see, Chloe has fun catching herself.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Goodbye Song

The kids singing the goodbye song. Turn your volume down :) This is funny. It's like they are putting on a show for you. I think this is one of the songs that Andrew sang at his graduation.


Trying to hard to smile. I think this is hilarious. He doesn't like his picture taken anymore so he acts all silly.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Chloe is obsessed with her frog hairbows some nights and wants all of them in her hair. I think she looks silly but is SO cute!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Andrew finished his first set of swimming lessons tonight. He did really good. He will even put his head under the water now and is starting to be able to swim alittle. I want him to not sink to the bottom if he falls in and it seems like we accomplished that. Here he is with his badge and certificate for passing the class.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Watching their new favorite- Scooby Doo and yes it is the same Scooby that it was 30 years ago... makes me feel a little old but they love it. Chloe says Scooby, Scooby, Scooby... NOW when she wants to watch it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Sink

Everyone (well, not everyone since Dad is not pictured) helping Darrell with the new sink that mom and dad brought us. It is fabulous :) Now everything does not slide around on the bottom. Love it including the new hardware that went along with it. Oh, and my great new garbage disposale is nice too. Who would of though I would be happy about that.
Notice Chloe's hair is straight! I think it looks funny like that but she likes it to be straight when I am doing mine with the straightener in the mornings sometimes

Grandma and Chloe

Mom might kill me :) but these are so cute from there trip here two weeks ago. Chloe wanted to watch Wow Wow all the time on Mom's new ipad. Thankfully, she didn't care or we might have heard screaming if she wouldn't share...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Andrew graduates from Preschool

:) I didn't get any really good picutures because when they came back outside after their ceremony, they had their hats off.... I don't know why my kid is the one that had his hat pulled down almost over his eyes. It was cute though. They sang some songs and then his teacher said something about each kid.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010