Sunday, March 28, 2010

Andrew and Chloe

Took some new pics of the kids outside yesterday. Trying to avoid taking them to get professional pics done for their birthdays. Might have to try again next weekend. I am getting very little cooperation these days. They both want to act crazy and smile all funny. And then there is Andrew with all the posing.......

Andrew and his helmet

This was so cute and he was acting really silly. He looked like a bobble head.... Finally got a decent picture of him and Darrell too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

23 Months old

Time flies. 1 month till I have a 2 year old in the house again :) She doesn't look like a baby anymore but a little bitty sad.....It was really nice out today so I took some pictures of the kids. They were not cooperating.....

What is this face??? :) Silly girl.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New pictures

Chloe trying to look cool in Andew's Glasses

Bad Hair day :)

They are so cute!!! Andrew said Chloe is his bestest Friend.

Chloe in Andrew's new Helmet.

Andrew's Brand new 16" bike that he got as an early birthday gift. He seems to be doing so much better on it.