Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chloe being cute

She was being really silly today. Andrew of course will not let me take pics of him again. Crazy boy.

And when she should be sleeping, here she is in her new PJ's :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Love My

Baby Girl. She is the sweetest thing.

Bath Time

Chloe had fun in the bath tonight. She likes to splash around now. I put some bubbles in there and she thought that was funny.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Water Day

Chloe had a water day at school today. It was a little cool out still so they played inside. I took my camera so I would have some pics. Too cute.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We had a great day today (with the exception of me ruining dinner :). I took a bunch of pictures. Chloe had on the cutest dress and hairbow.

This one is so cute. Picking up her little foot trying to walk in the grass.
These are so cute of the two of them. He was trying to help her stand up and kept checking on her to make sure she wouldn't fall down.

Then, Darrell did his best not to take bad pictures and this is what we got.....

Isn't this the saddest face that you have ever seen? This is what happens when I step 2 feet from her now.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Clothes

Mom got Chloe the cutest outfit for her birthday. She hates the hat but if she wears it for a bit, she forgets about it. Darrell thought she looked like Little House on the Prarie :) So Cute.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Zoo

Andrew and I went with his class to the zoo in Columbia today. It was fun. We rode the bus with everyone and then walked all around the zoo. He ended up with a green tree frog stuffie that he loves. It was also his first time on a carosol. I also took a video of the crazy monkeys.They were soooo loud and you could hear them going on and on from a good distance. He thought that they were cool. He also really like the little train ride that we took and of course eating an entire ice cream waffle cone.

Chloe being silly

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chloe Eating Cake

I finally got her birthday video uploaded. She made a mess :) Make sure to click the little red HD in the corner to watch the video in HD. Looks much better that way.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Chloe and Andrew

being crazy.... as usual