Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chloe's checkup

She is getting so big. She weighed 16lbs 14oz (with a diaper though :) when I took her to the dr this week. They said that she wasn't any longer but they were not doing it right and the nurse would not remeasure. Weird nurse. They let her move when they were marking the paper. I KNOW she is longer than she was 2 months ago. They said she was growing great.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chloe was Sleepy

Guess she was tired.... she fell asleep in her chair. Poor thing. Of course, Darrell had to get her pic instead of picking her up. He was laughing at her but I yelled at him :) I went and got her. She stayed asleep even with all the moving. That means she was REALLY sleepy.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We had about 4 inches of snow today. Andrew was ready to go out and make his snowman by 8 o'clock this morning. It was cold so Darrell had to be the one to do that. They had fun out there. Chloe and I only made it out to take a couple of pictures.
Here he is telling me what he has to do to get ready-

Making snow Angels- like curious george does :)

Making a snowman. He has been collecting sticks in the yard for weeks and saving them to make snowman arms. He was so excited to be able to use them. We also had yellow frosted cookie eyes, cheese nose, beer top buttons and candy hearts for the mouth. Too cute.

Andrew shoveling. Darrell said he spent almost an hour shoveling.

The Artic Cat going through the snow. It did really well on it.

Gracie also got in on their fun. She starting crying the first time they went out and left her inside while they got their stuff ready. Too funny. She tore around out there.

And then last but not least, Chloe just being cute.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

9 Month Pics

I took Chloe to get her pic taken on Friday. She did really good even though I woke her up from her nap.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Poor Chloe

You would think Darrell could wipe her eye off instead of taking her pic. She woke up from her nap, he brought her downstairs, took her pic and then decided he could help her poor eye..... (he really does love her I think). I hate sleepy eyes. Poor thing.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Look What

Chloe can do- She still tips but does really good.

I so wish this had come out better. He was trying to kiss her and she was just laughing away.

And one just because it is so cute.