Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dressed for a wedding

We took Chloe on her first formal outing :) She looked so cute in her new little dress. I am not used to having a girl and all the girly clothes. We took her to a wedding for Creg and Kellie. Kellie walked down the isle and Chloe started squeaking and I had to leave. I only got to look through the window. Everyone thought she was cute though.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

5 Weeks

Chloe is 5 weeks old today!! She is growing like a weed and has chubby little cheeks now. Cutie..... She is still staying awake for long periods of time (till 2:45am last night) but seems to maybe be getting in her own schedule.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holding Her

Here is Andrew holding Chloe. It is still a little scary. I am always afraid he is going to flip her off the couch, stick his finger in her eye or bend her hands/fingers the wrong way. He does pretty good though.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Clean Baby

I have been taking pictures like a maniac :) Mostly because I know I will never remember how small she is. I took these tonight after her bath. Andrew also helped. He LOVES helping me give her a bath and then "cleaning" her bath with the washcloth when she is done. Oh, and making a total mess everywhere with the water in the process.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nature Museum

We took both kids to the Nature Museum down at Freedom Park today. It was beautiful out- 78 degrees. We did the nature trail and Andrew thought his legs were broken at the end. Darrell had to carry him :) It was fun though. Andrew kept calling it the zoo. We looked at a bunch of different animals including the baby chicks, turtles and snakes. Then Darrell and Andrew put on the bug eyes. It was pretty funny.

Here are are some pictures and a video.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 Weeks Old

Chloe is 4 weeks old already. I can't believe it. She is growing really well. She weighed 5lbs 2oz today. So more than 1 1/2 lbs in 28 days. That is really good. They are supposed to gain 1oz per day. Now if only she would sleep better at night, things would be fabulous.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wide Awake

Chloe is much more awake these days. She has several hours a day that she is awake. This usually includes till 1:30am. Good thing Darrell is home.....

And a little video link-

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Andrew and Chloe Playing Trains

Andrew and Chloe had a lot of fun playing trains today. Andrew even shared Toby with her. I got a video of Andrew and then Chloe with her train.

And here is Chloe-

Friday, May 16, 2008

Andrew and Chloe

Chloe is 3 weeks old and Andrew finally wanted to hold her. Actually wanted to carry her but that is not happening :) I handed her to him and he said "Mommy, get the camera and take my picture". Too cute.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chloe is growing

She is getting bigger. We weighed her today and she was up to 4lbs 10oz. Almost 1/2lbs in 5 days!!! Here she is last night in her new "newborn" size clothes.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Chloe is 2 weeks old

Time flies. Chloe is growing. She weighted 4lbs 4oz BUT she grew 1 1/2 inches already. She is outgrowing her preemie clothes and is on to newborn sizes. She is still sleeping alot but likes to be up with Darrell till 1am most mornings. Good thing he likes to stay up late.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Andrew playing

We had some great weather this Sunday. Andrew got out his new birthday toy. He was not sure at first about getting wet or taking off his shoes. He doesn't usually like to do either one. He had a lot of fun once he got going. Darrell was just as wet by the time they were done :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chloe's first bath

Chloe finally got her first bath. She didn't even complain but she looks so tiny in there. Her hair sticks staight up after it is washed and she looks so cute.


Andrew loves music. On the weekends he always wants Darrell to turn it on so he can dance. He is so silly (Darrell and Andrew). Here they are playing.