Monday, August 30, 2010

Andrew starts Kindergarten

From August 2010

Andrew started Kindergarten. He seems to love it and likes his teacher. It is insanely (is that a word?) early in the morning. I drop him off about 7:05 or so. There are 2 kids in his class so hopefully they will be arranging soon. He has been doing good though. He gets right out of the car in car line and walks himself in. He looks so big doing that but he can find his way now all by himself....

From August 2010

From August 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010


We went to Ocean Isle on vacation this year. The weather was very nice. Not too hot most days. Andrew had a great time and learned to use the boogie board until he went under one time. Chloe hated it and would not stay on the beach for more than about 5 minutes. She "no like it" She"hot and no like sand"... ugghhh. But it was fun. The house we had was so much nicer this year than last year.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chloe's First Day of Preschool :(

Chloe before school:
She did really good. They said she didn't really cry. She wanted to carry her bag but it was too heavy for her :) She is only going (2) mornings a week so I hope that she likes it. Hopefully she will find some friends. And then...... Chloe after school. She was soooo tired......

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Pictures

I have been so slack about taking pictures lately.... Kids being silly as usual. Both are getting so big. 2 weeks from today Andrew Starts Kindergarten and Chloe starts Preschool next week. Time flies. Andrew is so NOT exicted about Kinder. Not sure what to do about that..... At least we get to go on vacation before I have to deal with that :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Crazy kids

Don't pay attention to the muscic choice :)