Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chloe and Gracie

This is so cute. She loves Gracie. She was "pretending" to sleep on her. Snoring and all. Too cute.
And a random pic of Chloe in her new baby bed that she got for her birthday.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chloe turns 2!!!!!

YEAH!! She had a great day with balloons, presents, cake and WOW WOW Wubsy- her personal favorite cartoon character. She has grown so much in the last few months. I took her to the dr. last week and she was 24.5lbs and 33 inches. Tall and skinny. Still fairly little % wise but she is catching up a little bit more.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Some Videos of the kids

Some videos of Easter and Andrew's birthday. Oh, and angel having a fit :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The kids had a fun time with their Easter eggs. Chloe only got a couple but Andrew was so excited that he got a bunch.

This cracks me up!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Andrew Turns 5

Andrew had a great birthday "weekend". On his actual birthday we took him out for pizza and then opened gifts. On Saturday, he had a party at Sports Connection with a TON of kids (like 24). It was a spiderman themed year. He had a great time. He looks so big now :( He thinks he knows everything which everyone says will just get worse.....