Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow.... again

So ready for spring. We got another 4 inches of snow last night. I think the weather forgot that we are in the South. Yuck. It did all melt today though which is good.
Gracie LOVES the snow. She just lays out there in it.

Random pictures

Chloe pushing her chair over to the stove to help herself to some brownies :)

Ms. Karen lets them paint. Something Mommy would NEVER let them do.

Andrew writing all the dates for his Feb. calendar.

Chloe being a goofball as usual

She thinks she's smart trying to get the gate open.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Well, sort of. Snow with sleet on top but Andrew still liked playing in it with Darrell. It was so cold out though. Chloe only went out for a minute but she did leave her hat on so that was good. Andrew was loving his light up Spiderman snowboots, too.