Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

To everyone. We had a good day carving pumpkins and Trick or Treating. We thought it was going to rain but it only did for about 20 minutes. Not bad.

These are from School yesterday. It was their last day of daycare. Chloe's room had a pumpkin patch outside. She was really interested in the pinestraw. Silly girl.

Andrew's room had a party too. I wish this picture would have turned out. He stood up in front of everyone to tell them good bye and then gave them a little gift. So sad. He is going to miss his friends. The pic with the boys are his two best friends.

Today we carved the pumpkins

And Trick or Treating. Costumes were really cute. Oh, and Andrew would get his candy and then say "Excuse me, I need candy for Chloe too please" How nice is that?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Picking

We took the kids to pick out their pumpkins. It was nice out. They had fun in the little hay maze that they had set up for the kids to run through. Even Chloe could get through.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

18 Months

She is getting so big- 22lbs now I think. Finally I can put her hair up and I think that makes her look older. I didn't get many good pics as she wasn't too happy about it. Her new word this month is off- as in OFF the couch with a push :), take the top OFF my cup, take my shoes OFF and put them back on and then take them back OFF.... uugghhh. Silly girl

Saturday, October 17, 2009


She can have a little pony. and I must say she looks so cute with it too.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to Eat Ice Cream

Apparently Chloe knows how since she won't let anyone help her. Uuggghhhh. Straight to the bath. At least ice cream is her absolute favorite thing to eat.

Friday, October 9, 2009

For Alica

Check this out. I will take a new one tonight. Ugghhhh. I think she needs mousse or something. This is still wet. Excuse her ice cream face :) HELP!! I want her to be cute :)

Random Pictures :)

Andrew Being Silly.

Mom was here last weekend..... Here are a couple of pictures from the park. The weather was really nice this day.