Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cowboy Hat

Grandma and Grandma Keefer bought this for Andrew but it just fits Chloe now. She thought it was funny to put it on and off her head.

Big Tub

Chloe is finally in the big tub and she loves it. She looks so small in there still but it works. Andrew actually got in there too and I had to tell him not to tip her. I said if you tip her what do we say and he goes "Mommy,Mommy". I taught him to tell me when she tips over while trying to stand, in the tub or when she has something she is not supposed to have. So cute because he watches out for her (and his stuff).

Monday, February 23, 2009

10 Months Old

Chloe is 10 months old tomorrow so I took some pictures today since we were home sick. She is getting big.17.5lbs and 27 inches long (they measured her at the dr today). She is standing up well and can pull her self up. She tries to take steps and move from thing to thing. She fell and hit her poor little head for the first time last week. She is doing good though. She is also waving which is so cute. She has been sick with ear infections so I guess we will probably be seeing the ENT soon. Poor thing is twitching when she tries to sleep. Must hurt her.

Now if only she would say MAMA instead of DADA. Maybe by next month.


Found a new spot by the front window. The perfect spot for barking that every little leaf that blows by.... too funny.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is the CUTEST thing. She can wave at us when we wave at her now. I thought it was a fluke at first but she can do it over and over. So Cute.... (Darrell is in front of her waving away :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

From Chloe :) She really didn't think the rose was too tasty-

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun at the Park

We had fun at the park today. It was so nice here- 75 degrees out. They had fun. Chloe looked so serious. She was feeling better though.

Looking so serious
He's getting good at his bike. Loves the helmet :)
Mid Walk Bike Fix
Pretending to be a monkey-

Taking pics sweet....

Swinging fun

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Baker

He put a lot of thought into the fact that he wanted to make cupcakes instead of brownies today. He picked out both at HT but I told him he could only make one. Of course the cupcake making would not be complete without a TON of sprinkles on them. They were good though. Darrell said they tasted like a cake and I was like....duh... they are made from a cake mix :)

I am still loading the video but he did a good job decorating.

And then sweet Chloe with her sweet potato face.