Saturday, November 29, 2008

Random Pictures :)

Trying to clean up all the pictures from November. Here a few more. Andrew even has Chloe playing cars already. Oh, and one day Andrew fell asleep on the couch. That NEVER happens, literally, never. And then the really cute hat that Grandma made for Chloe.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Andrew in the Leaves

Andrew had fun playing in the leaves while I went shopping yesterday. He has been trying to make a pile for weeks and there are finally enough leaves on the ground that he could help rake them up and then push a truck through them.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We went to Darrell's parents for Thanksgiving today. We had a good time. Darrell's (mom's) Aunt Olive was down to see us too. Chloe liked sitting with her. Darrell and Andrew played Hungry Hippo's. This game is not the same as it used to be- doesn't even have real marbles any more. Then I took Chloe out and let her eat some grass :)

Check out the hair on this one...

I Elfed Andrew- this is Hilarious!!!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We took the kids over to Southpark to see Santa today. He was a pretty real looking Santa. Shockingly, neither kid cried at all. Andrew told him he wanted a bike and a scooter and a race track and cars and a bounce house..... all in one sentence. We didn't get one good picture with both kids smiling. Guess that was good since they wanted almost 30.00 for a 5*7. I will just stick with the ones that Darrell took.

Monday, November 24, 2008

7 Months

Sweet baby Chloe turned 7 months old today. She is getting so big. She sits up great now and I can tell she will be moving soon. She can reach for stuff and sit right back up. I have to take her to the dr. tomorrow for a check up and am hoping she has hit 15lbs. She has started eating food once a day now and is doing Ok with that and sleeping pretty good at night. Still waking up to eat but going right back to sleep so that is OK with me. Still swaddled and tying to wean her off that did not go well so I will try an arm out again in a few weeks. She is just a really happy baby and laughing all the time.

Andrew and the Tree

Andrew was so excited about helping the ornaments today. He watited so patiently for Darrell to get all the lights on (which by the way too WAY longer than it should ever take to put lights on a tree). Thank god for the unbreakable ornaments that I have been using for the past several years. He had fun helping us pick out the tree yesterday too. I asked him what we do with the tree and he said put LOTS of presents under it from Santa. Too cute. I am going to have to take him to see Santa but I think that he will still be scared of him. He is going to love Christmas this year. He told me today that it comes after Turkey day which is a long day ago yesterday last week according to him (he as absolutely no concept of time)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to Darrell

Darrell had a good birthday... (I think). Andrew helped me wrap the gift and then 30 seconds later helped Darrell unwrap it. I had to explain to him that we don't actually TELL the person what is in the wrapping before they open it. Oh and think we scared the crap out of Chloe with the candles that were actually like sparklers :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Andrew and Chloe

laughing. Andrew can make her laugh more than anyone. She went on for almost 5 minutes. I love her laugh.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I guess Gracie thought she needed a bath or tastes good. Chloe loves Gracie and grabbing her hair. Good thing Gracie doesn't mind at all. So cute.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Happy Birthday to me. Not so much liking the getting older thing but it is happening anyway. I had a lot of help this year with my gift and blowing out the candles. Darrell got me a new tripod for my camera that I love and we had chocolate cake.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New videos of chloe

I am finally getting to upload the videos from the last couple of days. She is sitting up really well now and smiling all the time.

Chloe in her saucer 11-3-08

Chloe in her saucer 11-5-08

Chloe in her bath 11-5-08

Chloe Sitting 11-11-08

Sunday, November 9, 2008


We took Andrew over to check out the planes when we were at the airport today. He like watching them but thought they were really loud. They were pretty loud so he ended up sitting in the car after a few.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fall Day

It was so nice out this weekend and the leaves have started changing. Andrew tells me it is "its fall mommy, the leaves are changing to red". We had fun at the park today and when we got home Andrew wanted to make a pile of leaves to jump in. I got some great shots of the kids today. Chloe is getting so big and loved eating the leaves at the park. Last year Andrew had some trouble on the playground we went to but today he jumped right up on the big set.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chloe's new toy

I got out some of Andrew's old toys today. Chloe loved this little bear. It plays music when you touch its hands and feet and she really liked that. She is sitting up really well now for a few minutes at a time.