Sunday, August 31, 2008


They are both so cute. If only I could get them both to smile at the same time. I had to try and edit out the fact Andrew NEVER has any clothes on at home. He was on the floor trying to play with her and I was just afraid he was going to squish her.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Apparently we can only bathe sitting up now. If you lay her down, she sticks her butt up so that her head almost goes in the water. If you sit her up, she is happy. Doesn't even seem to mind if she gets water in her face.

Lazy 5

We took the kids up to Lazy 5 Ranch today. It was fun and not too hot. There were a bunch of baby animals up there. I got a pic of the little pigs playing.

In the car:

The animals:

And tired after a long day.... she was so good in the car today, though.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I think that

Chloe is the cutest baby ever :) She was smiling away and being silly tonight. Right before she flipped herself over to her back. Silly girl. Love the baby belly too.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

18 Weeks

Chloe is 18 weeks old today. She had her 4 month check up today too. Everything is good. 11lbs 13oz (10th %) and 23 3/4 inches long (25%). I was so happy she was a % at all. Last time she wasn't so that is good.
I took Andrew to the dr. today too and he was a wild man. I didn't even get to hear what the dr. had to say because he kept saying "excuse me" before interupting. At least he was trying to use his manners I guess.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

4 Months Old

Chloe turned 4 months old today. She is still a tiny little thing. I think she may be close to 12lbs. I take her for her 4 month check up on Thursday so we will have the official stats then. She is talking all the time and I think I might have heard a little laugh as well but I am still waiting on a real one. Here are a couple of pics and videos. You can tell how little she still is.

17 Weeks and ROLLING!!!

She can do it. Grandma saw her for the first time today. She was nice enough to call me and tell me while I was working :) Chloe is only wanting to sit up or stand up now. She gets mad at you if you lay her down.

All tired out from all that rolling around.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bath Time

Chloe loves her bath and is laughing after getting out. Silly girl. She is trying hard to learn to roll over but not quite there yet. I was afraid she might go off the table but she didn't :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chloe being cute

Chloe got some new pj's (alreay moving to 3-6 months for length) and a cute little hat with it.

Andrew and the dirt

They are building some houses right outside our neighborhood. Andrew likes to go look at the different diggers and what they are building.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sweet Baby- 16 Weeks

Chloe is 16 weeks old today and weighs a whooping 11.6lbs with clothes on :). She is so sweet and cute. I love her :) She will smile at you lots when you smile at her and will just lay by you and kick her feet and be really good. Sleeping really well at night still and only getting up once to eat usually. Still all burritoed up. We have had to go up two sizes of diapers this week. Grandma thought she didn't know how to diaper babies but we realized we just needed a bigger diapers. Today I tried a new little bow in her hair, too. It barely stays but she is trying hard to grow more hair. The little gap dress was one that I did not think that she would grow into this summer (3-6 months) but it actually fit pretty good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Making Cake

Andrew and Grandma made a cake. It was yummy. Here is the finished product. Andrew did good putting all the chocolate on top.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


We took the trolley today from Atherton Mill to Imaginon and then took the light rail back. Trolley is not all it is cracked up to be. First the schedule was wrong and we had to wait 30 minutes and then the air conditioning was not working. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 94 degrees out today. Oh, well. Andrew had fun. We got a transfer and took the light rail back. So much faster.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pictures outside

We took some pictures outside today. Andrew would not stand by me to have his pic taken, would not lay still by Chloe and Darrell would not shower and change. So overall it did not go well. Here are a few that we got.