Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Big Girl

in her high chair. We pulled it out of the attic since she was getting sick of the exersaucer while we were eating. She looks so small compared to what Andrew looked like. She gagged on her puff so guess she is not ready for that yet.

Bath time for Chloe

Monday, December 29, 2008

Few Videos

of Chloe talking. I wish I could bottle her up and keep her the same size. This is one of the best ages I think (even if I am exhausted). She usually talks so softly but you can here the baby talk on here some. She loves that the new toy I got her that she can sit in front of and hit the things. She will sit there for 30 minutes or so.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


She looks so cute. She may kill me one day though :)

Nice n Shiny

That is what Andrew said he did to my car today. Looks nice. It is so warm here. I can't believe we can wash cars 3 days before the new year.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chloe's new hat

looks so cute on her. I love the flower.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Santa came today. He brought the kids a ton of new things including a new Artic Cat for Andrew, a helmet that he loves and a couple things that make noise for Chloe. We had a nice day here and were actually able to eat dinner on the porch which was good since we had extra people. Here are some of the pics. I am still loading some but it is taking forever :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa came to our house

and ate cookies and left gifts :)..... good night... more pics tomorrow......

Christmas Eve

We had a great day today. Santa came a bit early at Oma and Grandpa's house. We opened gifts over there after lunch. Steve got Andrew his bike back in Nov when he was here and we had him open it yesterday. He did really well with it. We actually returned the 16" and got him the 12". I am so glad that we did that because the bigger one would have been way too big for him right now. Can't wait to stand in line at Toys R Us next week to return it :) He also spent quite a long time trying to "fix" it today which included trying to figure out how to adjust the seat himself. Here are some pics from our day. Chloe wanted to eat paper and bows and Andrew loved the ball popper that she got.

8 months old

Sweet baby Chloe is 8 months old. Here she is today with a ribbon from gifts in her hair and her necklace on. She is sitting up really well now and doesn't fall much. She can reach from sitting postion without falling and can roll both ways. If you set her down she will move around some if she is not too tired. She has also started eating a small amount of baby food this month. She hates oatmeal though so we are just sticking to the veggies and fruits. I think the texture was still weird for her.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cool House

We went to see this cool house tonight. The owner has all his lights sychronized to the music on a radio station. He was out giving away candy canes (too bad scrooge Darrell thought the poor dude only wanted money :)

Cool House

Monday, December 22, 2008

Chloe's necklace

Chloe got a new Baltic Amber teething necklace. I didn't know that much about them but it seems to help her and it is super cute.....

Amber is a natural analgesic (pain reliever) and is traditional European remedy for teething discomfort. When amber is worn on the skin, the warmth of the skin releases trace amounts of healing oils on the skin, helping babies and young children stay calmer and more relaxed through teething. Amber is also recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties and benefits to the skin.

Andrew singing Jingle Bells

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Pics

Here is Chloe being cute while I was trying out my new lense. It is WAY to long for use in the house. I was standing about 12 feet back and this is how close it.
Darrell decided that Chloe might like a basket. She did. Worked great to keep the toys by her until she gets mad that she threw them all out.
We went to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens tonight in Belmont. It was FREEZING. Seriously cold outside (for those up you up north you would be laughing) at 45 degrees and windy. It was fun though and the lights were nice. Andrew got some hot chocolate that even luke warm he was complaining that it was burning him. Chloe was all bundled up and warm though.

Here Andrew is telling Darrell that he wants him to be the one to pull this heavy cart thing that horses are supposed to pull. I was laughing at the thought of Darrell lugging it along for him.
Andrew playing in the lights. He wanted to touch them all. Silly boy. He lookss so big here :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here are the kids laughing and laughing. So funny to see him entertain her.

Here is Chloe rolling-

And Andrew at School. They had a school program last week. Andrew was the tail of the dragon during the chinese new year in the stiped shirt. Short and weird but he did a good job. They didn't want to have them talk or dance since they probably wouldn't do it so I guess this is what they came up with.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Photo Shoot

Tried to do both kids and got zero cooperation from the older one:) Everyone thinks I just don't take pics of Andrew but he doesn't let me. So.... here is Chloe. She was rolling around everywhere tonight. I was looking at her and wondering when she got so big that she could be able to do that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New camera

I am so excited that I upgraded my camera to the new Nikon D90. Takes fabulous pictures and even video. First video attempt is below. Sorry so shaky. I even got a 50.00 credit from Wolf so I went ahead and go a lense that I had been wanting.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Andrew always wants to tell you secrets and stories. So tonight he was like "Mommy come here"... I go over and he says come closer..... then he whispers "Mommy- the reindeer are coming". I said "What?" And he yells in my ear "I SAID THE REINDEER ARE COMING". Guess he has been reading Rudolph with Darrell. Later he had Darrell's Blackberry and I wanted him to hurry doing something so I took it away. He shakes his little finger at me and says " Mommy- we do NOT snatch things from people. Give it back RIGHT NOW. " I kinda look at him funny and he says "Mommy....1....2...3... Listen to my words and give it back right now" Needless to say, I gave it back and then asked nicely for him to hurry :)

Here he is with his new haircut.

My little Model

was modeling her new Gymboree clothes that I got for her. I was trying to see if the 6-12 month clothes would fit her (they just might if I can shrink them). She totally yelled at me with the tutu on though. You can totally tell that she is not happy in the first tutu pic. Too funny. She was like what the heck is this scratchy stuff.

And..... I guess she is done cooperating :)